For Those Who Learn Differently
Clare Ferner, M.Ed.
Educational Services
Do you or someone you know...
- Have trouble with reading or spelling?
- Often make letter reversals?
- Look up words and then have trouble remembering them?
- Say words in the wrong order or get ideas mixed up when speaking?
- Avoid reading and writing due to lack of confidence?
- Have difficulty remembering facts?
Trouble with reading, writing, or spelling?
Are you or they…
- From a family whose members have similar problems?
- Of average or above average intelligence?
- Skilled in other areas such as music, art, mechanics or relating to others?
Building confidence, nurturing hope, and enhancing success
Specific Language Disability
Reading Disorder
Written Language Disorder
Auditory Processing Disorder
These all mean the same thing: trouble with learning… the traditional way.